Descriptor Code: IEAA
Bus Patron Concern
A. Call the driver – this must be done within twelve hours of the incident.
B. The administration, driver, and patron will have input into the investigation of the concern.
C. If no understanding is reached, the complaint must be put in writing and sent to the superintendent within 10 days. It must be signed and dated.
D. The school board will schedule a hearing on the concern at their next regularly scheduled board meeting. (above guidelines for board meeting will be used)
Bus Patron Concern
A. Call the driver – this must be done within twelve hours of the incident.
B. The administration, driver, and patron will have input into the investigation of the concern.
C. If no understanding is reached, the complaint must be put in writing and sent to the superintendent within 10 days. It must be signed and dated.
D. The school board will schedule a hearing on the concern at their next regularly scheduled board meeting. (above guidelines for board meeting will be used)